Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Humble Stage

Lately there has been a lot of whining (and not all from me), a lot of tattle tailing and tantrums at the Keys' house.  I have been tempted to threaten no Christmas presents and sing the "Better not pout" song.

I have been decorating, planning presents, and creating special times with these kids, but no one seems any jollier darn it! I've been prayerfully disciplining, and yes many times yelling, and all the time wondering what am I doing wrong?

Jonathan, whom I love dearly, has been following me around chanting, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, Mommy" five times before he will ask me for something, and then it is a puzzle to understand the question.

Wonderful Dorathea has hit another emotional stage.  She's been melting into a puddle of tears at the least problem.

To top it off I've been tearing up at every Carol this December that mentions Jesus birth.  "Am I just as emotional as my kids?" I asked God today.

He said it was, "Because you are in the Humble Stage".

I teared up at those words (again).  The Humble Stage.  I am herding small children all day, wiping mouths and bottoms, cleaning, teaching (ahem trying not to yell), all day every day.  When I try to add up the accomplishments of each day, they don't.    There are no more papers, or professional tasks to check off  my lists, the list is neverending now and there are still so many dreams I'm waiting to live out.

I am in the Humble stage of life. There is no glamour or prestige in parenting small children, (unless maybe your involved in Padgents, or have a child prodigy of some sort?).

Jesus was born into the humble stage.  He choose to be born in a smelly barn with animals and to make his bed in a trough.  And this was only the beginning of his sacrifice for us. Why was this important?  Because God choose to be like us, to be with us.  And he knew being humble was important.

"A man's pride will bring him low, But a humble spirit will obtain honor." Proverbs 29:23

Jesus was held by a woman like me.  She had an amazing calling, but in the meantime there were more boxes then she could check off.  She was the most blessed of all women and she had her baby seemingly out of wedlock, in a barn, away from her family, and she was so young.  She was humbled, yet chosen to do the most important work of all.  She had obstacles in the way of her calling, but the Lord was cheering her on.  "Blessed are you among women!" her cousin sang

"Though the LORD is on high, he looks upon the lowly, but the proud he knows from afar." Psalm 138:8

He chooses to be with me so it doesn't matter how anyone, even I see me.  He chooses to honor me for my sacrifices, my sacrifice of all of me all my time and energy.   My sacrifice of  prestige and honor as the world sees me for who he says I am right now.  

"Strength and honor are her clothing, and she shall rejoice in time to come." Proverbs 31

So now I know when Jonathan does his "Mommy" chant  that this must be how rockstars feel when the paparatzi call thier names and pepper them with questions.  
And someday Dorathea's wealth of emotions will grow into empathy.  Empathy that God will use to deeply love and effect those around her.  

The best part is, at least this Humble season is full of play with my favorite two little faces.  I think Mary  smiled too looking at  the little face of hope that was resting in her love.   The humble spirit obtains honor indeed.

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin," Zechariah 4:10

1 comment:

  1. Your final picture reminds me of one of my favorite paintings (and generally speaking I don't "do" contemporary Christian art because there is SO much bad stuff out there -- but this one is lovely and grabs me every time I see it). You've probably seen it before, but if not, here it is:
