Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Everyone gets their own prayer.

     We pray for each child individually most every Sunday morning.  This is in large part because they love it almost every 2, 3, 4, and 5 year olds love to be prayed with.  "Pray for me!, Pray for me!" One 3 year old asks for God to give her a pretty crown with sparkles, sparkly shoes, and a pretty dress.  Another praying for his teacher asks that God make his teacher a knight, a little girl asks that God give the teacher flowers and tell the teacher He loves him.  One little boy asks that God will help him take care of his brother when they play soccer together.  Sometimes we all lay hands on boo-boos and pray for Jesus to heal them, no boo-boo is too small, or too big for prayer.  And they pray for you all all the time.  "Pray for my Daddy's back to feel better", "Pray for my Mommies baby (in her tummy)", "Thank you God for my Mommie!".  Prayer warriors you have in your homes!