Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tiny Armoured Ones

This is the first week of our October Memory Verse; "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"
We learned about the armor of God as we recited the verse for the first time.  The kids were so enthralled as  I showed them the shield of Faith in the second service class I taught and that I introduced the whole armor of God to them including the peace shoes we imagined and then put on.  

We practiced fighting dark forces and talked about how our fight is against these forces and not people.

How fun to equip small warriors.  So send them out parents to try their armor out!- Allison K

Best Friends

My favorite thing about the curriculum at DP little kids is that we don't teach the kids to "be good" but that they are loved by a loving God.  Last month (September) we learned that Jesus is their best best friend. 

 It was so gratifying to watch their little actions toward each other grow warmer and more merciful as we read them stories each week about Jonathan and David, Ruth and Naomi we told them true friendship is in response to God's amazing friendship with us. One little girl was making food in a pretend house and two wild animals were stealing that food.  By the end of the play time she was offering the food to them and they were saying, "Thank you".
  Our memory verse for September was "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" Proverbs 18:24. (That's them in the first picture singing the memory verse song which you can find here)  I  wrote a little song too that we worshiped to called "Jesus is my Best Friend", hope to add that to the worship song list here soon . We told the kids that that that friend is Jesus.  Jesus died for them and made them exactly like they are because he loves them more than anyone.