Monday, December 10, 2012

The Messenger.

A whole bucket of burdens were on my back as I got ready to teach the 2-5 year olds in first service yesterday morning.  I struggled to hold my composure.  I broke into tears a couple of times as I put things in place.  and again when  dear friend asked me how I was doing, "fine, just a lot of little things on my mind" I said, but the tears on my cheeks told a story more complicated.  I knew that I would enjoy teaching the kids this morning.  I was just trying to put those burdens down long enough to really be with the kids.
    I picked up the bible during snack and told them the story of the Angel Gabriel's good news to Mary.  Then I put the book down and asked them about ways they can talk to God.  "God can talk to you with an angel, that happens all the time, or God can say something to you himself" "If you are ever alone or quiet that's a good time to talk to God".  Then we prayed together and thanked God for all the things he gives us and I said, "OK now were going to be quiet for just a second and have a chance to listen in case God wants to tell us something."  I paused for 5 seconds maximum, thinking, "oh well this will be a good practice for listening for that still small voice".  When I opened my eyes a little 4 year old boy popped out of his seat and said, "I heard Him!"
 "You heard God." I said, "What did he say?"
He had the biggest grin on his face and he said, "It's going to be alright"

Tears filled my eyes. I think that little boy grew 2 inches from before that prayer to after.  You could see that he felt like a son of God, not disconnected or insignificant.

 A few minutes later I shared what had happened with the little boy's mom.  She said, "Oh Allison, He's been dealing with fear at night this is so important for him!"  Then she said that the little guy had also been frustrated because he had never heard God speak to him and wanted to so badly.  This was a big deal to this little boy.  To know that he was important to God and comforted in his fear.  I wish you could have seen his shiny and happy face!

After Sunday school I went home to pick up my little family.  A whole host of problems were waiting for me there.  I didn't make it back to church.  So many cares and worries around my neck I felt like I drown in my sadness at some points in the next 24 hours.  

When it happened I had felt a little badly for that mom at Sunday school earlier.  Bad that she had not heard this little boy's conversation with God firsthand, or in her own house.  Now at my house I knew that God had let me in on this conversation, because I desperately needed to hear "It's going to be alright".  It was a message for that boy, but it was a message for me too.  I am not alone in my fear, he is comforting me. He let me know ahead of time so that I wouldn't despair   He cared enough to send me the message like he did for Mary.  Only my messenger was a beautiful little boy.  He knows me so well, I love little boy messengers.

Thank you for seeing my through my fears and sorrows today and thank you God for my little Gabriel yesterday.

“The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.”